Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Think I'm Officially a Hypocrite

About a year ago MIL started receiving Veteran's Administration benefits, as she was in the army for 9 months near the end of WWII. Ironically, she taught map-reading, which she never could do herself. I suspect we were supposed to land in Norway, rather than Normandy, but the mixup was covered up to prevent national embarrassment.

Anyway, Betty gets a VA pension which pays for her care in "assisted living," whether it takes place at a facility or in our home, and she gets her medications at almost no cost. Then I found out she could attend an adult day care center and receive physical therapy at almost no cost, and as of today, the VA is sending a home healthcare aide to our house to help her take a shower, change her clothes, and even clean her room. EVERY WEEK! So three days a week I get a few hours of blessed privacy and peace, and she's gonna put on clean underwear at least once a week! I'd dance a jig if I knew how.

So here's the problem. I'm a fiscal conservative, and I hate how the government is taking everybody's money to pay for social programs. BUT OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL THEY CANCEL BETTY'S SOCIAL PROGRAMS. I'm pretty sure this makes me a BAD fiscal conservative.

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